Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 things True Blood Owes to Buffy

From AfterElton

There's been a lot of discussion around here of whether or not True Blood has been de-gayed this year. I don't have a strong opinion on that one way or the other, but one thing I have noticed: As the show moves beyond the source material from the Charlaine Harris novels on which it is based, Alan Ball's HBO series seems to be morphing into a racier version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

If you're familiar with both shows, you've probably noticed some similarities between the world of True Blood and that of Joss Whedon's Buffyverse. And not simply the obvious things (i.e. vampires), or similarities that were already present in the Sookie Stackhouse book series. I'm talking about characters, plot elements, and general themes that weren't ported over from the Charlaine Harris books and instead seem borrowed from Buffy. And in particular, Buffy season 5.

Don't believe any Buffy/True Blood similarities are intentional? Here are 10. You decide whether or not these parallels are simply coincidence.

1. The Big Bad

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Sharon said...

How timely is this for me! As soon as TB ended, we hauled out the first season of Buffy and are watching it for the umpteenth time. We have 6 seasons of great viewing ahead, plus the 5 seasons of Angel. Well, season 4 was a bit creepy, but we'll watch it anyway.

I hadn't really thought of it but there are similarities. But so far, TB isn't even close to as good as Buffy. But it's all we've got now. We watched the pilot of Vampire Diaries - ha! Comes on against Supernatural, which we prefer.

Then when I need my AS fix, we'll watch Gen Kill.