Thursday, September 17, 2009


It’s a lesser known fact that when a vampire lets a human drink their blood, the impact isn’t only physical. Humans will often report frequent dreams about the vampire, sometimes quite visceral and vivid in nature. But does the opposite occur? Will a vampire who feeds on a breather dream about them as well?

Come to think of it, do vampires dream at all?

Normally you’d think I was quite capable of answering the question for myself. But even in my human days I could never recall my dreams. Sometimes I doubted I even had them. This hasn’t changed since I became undead, though it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the case for all vampires.

I considered conducting an informal poll, but thought better of it. The very notion of dreaming is somewhat personal, and since no vampire has ever found fit to share their dreams (if they occur, that is), I can’t help but feel it would be somewhat poor form to ask. That and frankly, I don’t want to look like a complete idiot if it’s somehow common knowledge and my mere asking proves just how young a vampire I am.

But let’s suppose vampires can dream. In some cases I can imagine them being quite similar to the ones humans have. Showing up to your nest without clothes; nightmares of sunlit rays poring around you; the horrific feeling that your fangs are falling out as a symbol of powerlessness.

Where things get a bit trickier is in the realm of good dreams. Humans can fantasize increased power or sexual prowess. Their nightly rest can produce positive outcomes with work, great achievements and eternal glory. But what use are these to a vampire? Of course, we can find satisfaction in positive occurrences, but frankly, they are often well within our reach. Even great tasks aren’t insurmountable; we can well afford to take our time.

The obvious counter is a dream of watching a sunset. A secret wish for the ability to exist during the day. But this isn’t nearly as big a deal as some humans might believe. After all, if we really missed the sun so much, why would we allow ourselves to be turned in the first place?

So maybe the better question isn’t if vampires dream. It’s whether we ever stop dreaming.

Man, I love being a vampire.


Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

Love it. I was wondering about this while watching True Blood.