Tuesday, November 25, 2008

True Blood:Vampire Facts in the TBverse

So what have we learned?

  • Vampires possess superhuman strength and speed.
  • They possess the ability to "glamour" or hypnotize ordinary humans. And erase memories.
  • Vampires possess superhuman hearing.

  • Vampires do not require air, and do not breathe.
  • Vampires do not eat food.
  • Vampire blood has healing properties (and kewl after-effects) when ingested by humans.

Miscellaneous Information:
  • Small numbers of vampires often live together in groups called "nests".
  • Just being bitten by a vampire isn't enough to turn a human into a vampire (hmm...)

  • Vampires cannot enter a residence unless invited in. (Bill answers Sookie's question on Sookie's front porch.)
  • Vampires must leave the residence if the invitation is withdrawn.(Bill answers Sookies' question on Sookie's front porch.

  • Silver burns the vampire's skin and weakens him. (As evidenced by the couple that tried to drain Bill -- 1st episode?)
  • When vamps are staked they don't turn to dust or become skeletal. They erupt into a bloody mess.S1E1.09
  • Hep-D (or is it Hep-V) seems to be an illness that, while carried by humans with no ill effects, can be transmitted to, and is especially harmful to, vampires.

Vampire Law:
  • Government:
  • Geographic Zones: Governed by the oldest vampire at that location/called sheriff?
  • Tribunal: Appears to be the court
  • Laws/Punishments:
    • It's against the law for a vampire to kill another vampire. S1E1.09
    • It is not yet legal for humans to marry vampires (10/26 epi).
    • A vampire may place a human under his/her protection from other vampires by stating the human is his or hers (Bill says of Sookie "She's mine" to the trio of vampires in epi 3 [?]).

Contrary to popular vampire lore:
  • The sign of the Cross doesn't harm vampires. Neither does garlic or Holy Water.
  • A vampire's fangs are retractable.
  • Vampires can cast reflections in mirrors.