Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sookie Stackhouse books are all NOW available as audio books!

As of this week all 8 books in the Sookie Stackhouse mystery series are now out in audio format (audio book / book on tape)

Book 4 , Dead to the World has been the only one missing and it is now available .

I have the audio books in cd format linked to Amazon store bottom right of the blog but you can also buy them as audio downloads a list of where you can buy them below.

1. Dead Until Dark-
2. Living Dead in Dallas
3. Club Dead
4. Dead to the World
5. Dead as a Doornail
6. Definitely Dead
7. All Together Dead
8. From Dead to Worse

Buy them here:

You own favorite book store or bookstore online.


Anonymous said...

I bought Dead to the World on audio book and loved it. I enjoy Joanna Parker's voice and hearing her speak the words.. Yikes, Yahoo, Yum is worth it.