Tuesday, June 2, 2009

True Blood Bloodcopy: Vampire On Trial

Get this: A vampire is being prosecuted for a murder committed over 100 years ago. Law enforcement cobbled together some evidence etched in stone or something and formally arrested him just the other day.

Nice going. I'm sure the great-great-great-great grandchildren of the victim will finally feel some relief. (Shake of head implying this is ridiculous.)

Riddle me this: How are they going to assemble a jury of this vampire's peers? What if he's convicted? What are they going to do, lock him in a cell with silver bars for the rest of eternity? Vampires can't "live out" their sentences, folks, and there are ways of getting around silver bars.

Vampires have their owns system of justice. We prosecute and punish according to our own laws. Human courts shouldn't be able to try vampires and even if they do sentence this guy, I guarantee you he will be out in no time. He's got friends on the outside who will see to it.
