Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Recap: 'True Blood' Season 2, Episode 8

From LA Times

More than halfway through Season 2 it has become clear that Alan Ball and his talented crew of writers and actors are intent on making sure that "True Blood" remains one of the most creative and patently wild shows on television.

This week's episode began with Sookie about to be raped by Fellowship of the Sun trigger man, Gabe, only to be stopped just in time by Godric and Eric. It is quickly broadcast to the church (which also happens to be having a lock-in sleepover) that a vampire is loose in the building and the church goes into lockdown mode.

In a relieving reveal we learn that Sarah has shot Jason with only a paint-ball gun. And boy, is she mad that he never told her his sister was a vampire-lover of the highest order. "You're worse than Judas," she yells.

"What did he do to you?" Jason asks. She shoots him in his man parts and he writhes in pain. Then she tells him that Sookie is in the church basement. Jason rushes to her rescue.

Back at the church, Eric and Sookie engage in flirtatious back and forths before Eric feigns a ridiculous Midwestern accent and tries to get into the church by masquerading as a human. He is quickly revealed and he and Sookie rush into the church to confront Steve Newlin and his congregation of vamp-loathing nut jobs.

Steve is wearing an amazing white suit a la Jim Bakker and announces that the war has begun. Eric steps forward and offers himself in place of Godric and Sookie (whom Newlin has called an evil whore of Satan. I get that all the time too). Eric is quickly placed on the alter and draped with silver chains, which burn his skin and keep him weak. Meanwhile, Jason shows up outside the church and tells the guards that he is a special-ops cadet with the Light of Day institute. He brandishes his gun, but the men instantly recognize it to be a paint-ball gun. They rush him, he overpowers them and sneaks into the church.

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