Tuesday, August 11, 2009

True Blood: the Best of the Reviewers / Recappers

Last week this blog was kindly named by Daemonstv as one of the best True Blood sites and one of the things I said in my 'thank you' comment was that there is a crowded universe of True Blood fan sites, blogs, reviewers and recappers and that folks just have to find sites and writers that just feel right to them.

For example, The L.A. Times recap is the only recap I read and there are tons and tons of them...I usually don't want just a blow- by -blow recap from the episode but Jessica has some good insight.

As I said last week, I am a little snobby, I only read and watch : Mark Blankenship, our bi-weekly reviewer who guests on Talk Blood Radio for his brilliant " Sucker Punch" on Huffington Post , our other bi-weekly reviewers, Brian and Andy from Camp Blood.org for their completely hilarious and insightful vlog "Blood Work", Meredith Woerner from io9 for her great "TB Pros and Cons" and the L.A. Times TB recap from Jessica Gelt.

If you have read and watched these, you've seen the best - in my humble opinion.

They all bring something bright , smart, funny and very different to the table -it's almost like eating one of MaryAnne's souffles Do you have a favorite that I miss ?