Monday, September 7, 2009

True Blood: Something is afowl (sp) in Bon Temps

Something is "afowl" in Bon Temps and we are getting a little "eggstatic" about the quickly approaching end to the season 2. We don't know "which came first" the Maryann or the egg and we don't have any way to know why the chicken crossed the road.

We don't want the ending to be "over easy" or "scrambled" We are all going to "flock " next week to watch episode 12 and we are hoping that the "yolks" not on us.

I'm sure you have a couple ...

Hoyt is one "hen-pecked" son...
Maryann is cooking up some "chicken soup for their souls"
Jane Bodehouse has eaten way too much of her "chicken-catch-a-whorey"
Looks like birds of a feather do more than "flock" together
I'm thinking it wasn't "chicken little" laying that egg
Maxine has been "cooped-up" for too long
Eric is still "cock of the walk"
Pam has said hardly a "peep" this season
Andy was running around like a "chicken with his head cut off"
but all "poultry in motion
I wonder if no hot water still "ruffles" Maryann's "feathers" have a "paltry" name...
Sheriff Bud can really "shake those tail feathers"...
Lafayette is finally getting his "pluck" back...
thank goodness Sam didn't "fly the coop"...
Coby and Lisa were "hunting and pecking" for food...
Tara and Eggs are really doing one hell of a "hatch-it-job" in gran's room...
Dang...this show get me all "eggstatic"...

Thanks, Buell


smvgrey74 said...

i just hope sam didn't lay the egg...

" Dallas " said...

great fashion vid smvgrey74

Rita said...

With every thing peeps you would think Sam would change into a large
bird but there are the horse,the bull
and the lion that was in Lattie Mae's
prayer,so that is four things and
above all MA has to die next Sunday
night.I can deal with every thing else.

smvgrey74 said...

Thanks dallas! I wanted to do something fun ;-)